Jaci may have been tired, but I was more focused on the food. I was extremely hungry, starving even. Unfortunately, I didn't think that Hannah's taste in food was all that good. Mine was basically a #barmecide dish, and I couldn't even tell you what it was that I ate. *** Jaci may have been tired, but I was more focused on the food. I was extremely hungry, starving even. Unfortunately, I didn't think that Hannah's taste in food was all that good. Mine was basically a #barmecide dish, and I couldn't even tell you what it was that I ate. *** The apartment complex had beautiful landscaped grounds, but I only had eyes for my bed. Hannah gave us the keys and left, promising to be back at first light. Jaci began acting like an #agelast. It was her exhaustion talking, but she didn't laugh at any of my silly jokes. *** I slept pretty well, waking up feeling quite refreshed. I was a little disoriented at first before I realized where I was. I was dehydrated so I had ...