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Pandora's Children - Part 3

I rang the doorbell and LaShonda Marcus answered, looking strung out.

"We need to talk."

"Come in, detective," she said and led the way to the living room.

I saw the cocaine on the table and asked, "Did this get your husband killed?"

"Are you gonna #bust me for it?"


"Answer the question."

"No, that's not what got him killed."

"Do you know what did?" I asked.


"Mrs. Marcus, if you know something, you have to tell me."

"They sent a video to my phone. Said if I didn't help them, they'd kill him."

"#Play it for me," I said.


I watched the video twice. "Do what we tell you...don't call the police...we'll kill him."

It was a familiar #refrain.

"What exactly did they ask you to do?"

"I'm a cellist for the World Orchestra. They wanted me to poison the conductor."

"But you didn't?"

"I tried."


I took out my notebook. "Start at the beginning. When were you sent the video?"

"Last Tuesday."

"What #date was that?"

"The 15th."

"And 'they' told you to poison the conductor or they'd kill your husband?"


"Did they say why they wanted you to do this?"



"You said you TRIED to poison the conductor. How did you do it?"

"I took some bleach and dosed his coffee."

"What happened?"

"He's clumsy and spilled the coffee. Before I could think of another way to #tackle the problem, I heard that they had killed Tyrrell anyway."


"Your timeline's off," I told her. "You get the video on the 15th. Your husband is killed on the 24th. What happened in between?"

"Darius, Tyrrell's manager, came to talk to me on the 18th. He said Tyrrell was going to a #rave. That's the last time anyone saw him."


"They both disappeared on the 18th?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What club did they go to?"

"#MINT. It's where they always went."

"You didn't think it was odd they didn't come home the next morning?"

"They always go out a couple of nights at the start of the off season."


"Can you tell me anything else about your husband's disappearance?"

"I hadn't seen them since the 18th," she told me and then snapped her fingers. "Wait. DJ #Loom would've been at the club. He would've seen them."

Now we had a big problem. Loom was a dangerous criminal.


She didn't know anything more than what she'd told me. The threat of being busted with cocaine made her open up.

Rain began to #lash against the windows as I got back into my car and I wondered how Tyrrell Marcus and his manager, Darius Jackson, got mixed up with a gang.


"Lt., I'm on my way back. Mrs. Marcus told me that the last she knew, they were going to Club Mint."

"Loom's club?" He asked. "Go get a judge. I'll fax a warrant over. We'll assemble a #strike team and you can meet us at the club with the warrant."

"Yes sir," I replied.



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