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Atlas Missing - Part 1

I came out to the lake once a week, sat on the edge, and stared. We'd recovered a lot of bodies during the case to stop Pandora's Children, a cult of serial killers, almost a year ago, but the rest had become #benthos, fodder for the bottom feeding life under the water.


When we learned that the cult members had escaped, the captain tried to #constellate a task force, but the FBI took over, claiming that the killer cultists would cross state lines. Turns out they were right. Special Agents across the country are trying to track them down.


I took a leave of absence to clear my head, but found myself trying to #ingurgitate as much as I could about cult culture, to learn the dynamics, and what drove them.

The cult leader may have been dead, and her daughter in jail, but I knew someone would take over.


I remembered one of the cultists had claimed the Indigenous term "Orenda" as a religion, and I almost thought about getting a #periapt to protect myself, but I decided against it as she was dead and none of the others had mentioned it.

It was then that my life changed.


I was on my way back from visiting my friends in Colorado, riding a #submontane train, when a woman sat next to me, even though there were plenty of empty seats.

"Are you going to back to work? It's been over six months."

"Who are you? How do you know what I do?"


"I know your #velleity is preventing you from doing what you know is right," she told me.

"And what do I know is right?"

"Finding LaShonda Marcus and bringing her to justice."

"Who are you?" I asked, suspicion coloring my tone.

All she did was hand me a business card.


I stared at it for a moment and then looked up. "Assistant Director of the FBI?"

She nodded. "Mrs. Marcus has been enjoying the #tellurian delights of being on the run, but we think she's been up to her old tricks. We want you to help us catch her."

"Why me?" I asked.


"You know her. You've had more experience with her and the others in her group than anyone we have. We also have far more tools at our disposal than your police department. Then there's this."

She dropped a #rubiginous lump on the table. I quickly realized what it was.


"Is that?"

"One of her trophies. An atlas bone."


The assistant director smiled. "This time, the grass is more #verdant on the other side. We'd like you to join us," she said, slipping an envelope onto the table. "I expect to see you at Quantico next week."


And just like that, I was supposed to join the FBI. When I got home, there was a #slather of mall waiting for me, including a letter from HR informing me that my leave was due to expire and I was expected to be back at work. I typed up a resignation letter and sent it in.



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