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Pandora's Children - Part 20

Alcoholiday was the kind of club that my #mother would have frequented in her younger days. It was a place where one's inhibitions became exhibitions. We walked inside, and even this early in the evening we could see that there were already some questionable activities.


There were private rooms where we couldn't see what was going on, but there was plenty on display in the booths, alcoves, and on tables. I saw a woman was providing oral sex to two men in one alcove, and a man giving a #petrissage among other things to a woman in another.


We walked toward the stage where the band was setting up. Dana saw us, scowled, and angrily signed something. It was almost too fast for me to read.

"What did she sign?" Jaci asked.

"She called Sarah a #quisling."

"I'm hardly a traitor," Sarah huffed. "I saw sense."


"Maybe you should hang back," I said.

"Hell no," responded and strode up to Dana. She signed, 'You're in the #Village of the Damned. You know that, right?'

Dana shook her head vigorously. 'Who are these people?'

I showed her my badge, then signed our ranks and names.


'Why are you here?' Dana signed, just as angrily as before. 'What in #Orenda's name do you want?'

I frowned at her use of the Native American term for magic, or ether, depending on your interpretation. It made me wonder if it was her or Grace turning it into a religion.


"We're here to talk about stopping Grace," I said.

Dana nodded her head and signed, 'Orenda has decreed that she dies by her daughter's hand. Hope will lead us to our salvation.'

Jaci looked at me. "Hope wants to take over."

"That #transfer of power won't be peaceful."


"How is Hope going to kill her?" I asked.

'Poison. It's our way,' Dana signed.

"I'm beginning to a feel #ennui about this case," Jaci muttered. "We seem to get close and then the goal posts move."

"We could wait for Hope to kill her mother, then arrest her for murder."


"No one has to die," Jaci said. "I say we go type up an arrest warrant and get a judge to sign it."

"On what grounds?" I asked.

"Credible threat of murder, catching a serial killer."

Dana stepped over to us and signed, 'She runs the #Church of Eternal Hope in secret.'


"I'll bet she hasn't declared it a church," I said, repeating Dana's signing for Jaci. "Think we could add tax evasion to the warrant?"

Jaci grinned. "Come on, I think we have what we need."

"We'll rescue you," I told Dana.

She signed, 'Practice #ubuntu and be saved.'


We dropped Sarah back at the thrift store and headed back to the precinct. I drove while Jaci did something on her phone.

"Are you writing down notes for the warrant?" I asked.

"Nope. Crossword puzzle," she answered. "What does '#skint' mean?"

"It's British for broke."



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