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Pandora's Children - Part 7

"When I was 15, I accidentally killed someone in a street fight. My record was sealed & I tried to move on. I became a musician & when I was on my first professional gig, a woman approached me and asked me for an #encore performance, to 'accidentally' kill a bar patron."


"Who was she?" I asked.

"She said her name was Grace. I know who and what she is now, but back then she helped me to fit in, to be myself, she gave me a family that understood me. I know she's a #charlatan and not a goddess, but I'm in too deep. I don't have a way out."


As Mrs. Marcus talked, I realized that she wasn't trying to #obfuscate the truth. As she said, she knew that she had no way out of her situation. The question I had was why she was being so helpful. Why was she telling us everything instead of just sitting there quietly.


"What happened once you joined the cult?" I asked.

"We all had to go through a purification ritual, like a baptism," Mrs. Marcus answered. "There was chanting and water," she added and pulled up her sleeve. "We all got a #unicorn tattoo after that to signify our purity."


"How did she recruit new members?" Jaci asked.

Mrs. Marcus sighed. "She knew when people were budding killers or saw something in those with #latent homicidal tendencies, and used it as leverage. Some of us enjoyed what we did, others didn't. They became training aids."


"Do you have proof of anything you've told us?" I asked.

"I can tell you the names of every man and woman I've killed."

"We can #disinter the bodies," Jaci said.

"We'd need permission from the families or a court order," I said.

"She's all the probable cause we need."


"You'd better call the captain," I said.

Jaci nodded and dialed. "Captain, it's Garcia. Mrs. Marcus is gonna give up all of her victims."

We heard a dog #yip loudly in the background. "BE QUIET, Kojak." he yelled. To us he said, "I'm coming in. Is Thibodeaux with you?"


Jaci and I stared at each other for a second before she answered. "Yes sir."

"Put me on speaker," he ordered. 

"You're on speaker, sir."

"Since I expected you to disobey my orders, detective, it will #obviate the need for me to discipline you."

"Yes sir," I replied.


While we waited for the captain to arrive, Mrs. Marcus said she had another surprise for us.

"Grace has a daughter...She named her Hope of Mankind, #Usurper of Pandora."

"What kind of name is that?" Jaci asked.

"Do you know the story of Pandora's Box?"

"I do," I said.


"Thibodeaux, my office," the captain bellowed as he arrived, stopping me from telling the story.

I thought I was going to get chewed out anyway as I walked into his office. He sat at his desk and tinkered with his #kinetic art sculpture.

"Why did you come in tonight?"



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